
Flexstone Partners (« Flexstone »), is the name adopted to collectively identify Flexstone and its underlying companies. This website was created, and is managed and updated by Flexstone.

Legal Information

By using and accessing this website you accept the terms and conditions set out in the below paragraph: “General conditions of use”.

Company information :

Flexstone Partners SAS
Flexstone Partners SAS is an asset management company regulated by the Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”)1. It is a simplified stock corporation under French law with a share capital of 2,727,600 euros2. Building number 5/7, rue de Monttessuy, 75007 Paris, France is the address of its registered office.

Flexstone Partners Sàrl
Flexstone Partners Geneva is a manager of collective assets regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (“FINMA”). It is a limited liability company with a share capital of 750 000 CHF . Chemin de Blandonnet. CH – 1214 Vernier, Switzerland is the address of its registered office.

Flexstone Partners, LLC
Flexstone Partners, LLC is a Delaware corporation, registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment adviser. It is located on the 28th floor of 745 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10151.

Flexstone Partners PTE Ltd.
OUE Downtown 2 #24-12
6 Shenton Way Singapore 068809
Tel: +65 6221 6092
Fax: +65 6534 3538

Publications Director: Eric Deram, Managing Partner
Website Host: Flexstone Partners, 5/7, rue Monttessuy, 75007 Paris, France
Email: generalinquiry@flexstonepartners.com

General conditions of use

This website and the information it contains may only be used subject to your full compliance with the user conditions described herein. As the information on this website or offered via this website is of a general nature, it should not be considered as tailored to your personal needs or specific circumstances. You, the user, are solely responsible for your use of this website and releases Flexstone from any present or future liability regarding your potential use of information obtained from this website.

Disclaimer in relation to the products and services presented on the website

All information and opinions expressed from material posted to this website, including estimates and forecasts of future performance or other events are subject to change without notice, is unaudited, and is presented for illustrative purposes only. It is not indicative of the value at which a subscription and/or redemption of interests in funds presented herein may be effected.

There can be no assurance that developments will transpire as may be forecast in material posted to this website. Flexstone is the source for the information presented in all charts and tables displayed on this website, unless otherwise stated. There can be no assurance that developments will transpire as may be forecast in this material.

All amounts shown are expressed in USD unless otherwise indicated.

Flexstone offers no guarantees or make any declarations, either expressly or tacitly, that the information supplied on this website is accurate, comprehensive or up-to-date. Such should not be relied upon as the sole source of portfolio information or suitability for investment.

Products and services offered by Flexstone Partners are only addressed to professional clients within the meaning of Directive MIFID II or Swiss Federal Act of Financial services and to accredited investors within the meaning of Rule 501 of Regulation D.

Any reliance one may place on the accuracy or validity of such information is at one’s own risk.

Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks and expenses of any investment carefully before investing.

Flexstone cannot be held liable for any errors on or shortcomings of this website or for any damages resulting from use of the information it contains. To inform Flexstone of any errors, please refer to the “Contact Us” page of the website.

Reference to a portfolio’s diversification is not intended to imply that a portfolio will be diversified for purposes of, and as defined in, the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended

Flexstone Partners invests primarily in units or shares of investment funds and unlisted securities. For these types of financial instruments, the principle of best execution and selection cannot be applied. On the rare occasions Flexstone makes transactions in listed securities, it deals with a broker which implements a policy of best execution or best selection of its intermediaries.

Not all of the products and services may be registered or authorized in all countries or available to all clients and the vehicles identified on this website are made pursuant to confidential offering memoranda provided to investors separately. Some funds may be identified on this website are no longer open to subscription.

Information displayed on this website may be based, in part or whole, on information provided by fund sponsors of fund portfolio investments.

The information that appears on this website is not intended to be distributed or used by any person or entity in a country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use contravenes any legal or regulatory provisions, or which require Flexstone Partners’ companies to comply with registration formalities in such countries or jurisdictions.

No information (including data, graphs and documents) displayed on this website and/or reference to specific securities, sectors, or markets within such displayed material constitutes an offer to purchase, an invitation to sell shares or investment advice regarding the purchase or sale of equities, or an offer or invitation from Flexstone to provide investment advice or financial, legal, tax, or investment services connected with the purchase or sale of any equity or other financial instrument

Availability – compatibility

Flexstone will endeavor to provide continuous access to this website; however, it is not responsible for any damages resulting from any intentional or unintentional disruptions in the website’s availability. Flexstone offers no guarantees that the files on the website will be compatible with your infrastructure and hardware. As a user, you must ensure that you have the appropriate computer equipment and the necessary software, including security programs (firewall, antivirus, etc.).

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Flexstone reserves the right to issue a formal notice to the user and/or to bring a civil action in the event of an infringement of its rights or those of a third party following a breach of the aforementioned provisions or any other type of breach.


Flexstone Partners shall not be held liable for any damages likely to result from using this website, or the information it contains, or the information obtained via the website (especially through the links provided). Moreover, Flexstone shall not be held liable for any damages stemming from technical failures, disrupted access to the website or potentially deleterious interference with your system or software. Flexstone Partners shall not be held liable for any damages stemming from viruses, bugs, Trojan horses or the like that have appeared on the website despite the precautionary measures taken.

Applicable law

This website is governed by French law and, as applicable, by United States, Swiss, Singaporean law, however, only the French courts shall have jurisdiction to settle any disputes stemming from this website.

1 The AMF is located at 17 Place de la Bourse, 75082 Paris cedex 02, France
2 Under n° GP-07000028 –Trade register n°494 738 750 RCS Paris – VAT: FR 56 494 738 750
3 FINMA is located at Laupenstrasse 27, CH – 3003 Berne, Swiss
4 Trade register n° CH-660-0180005-1 – VAT: CHE-112.212.153–